Covid-19 Initiatives
Adapted From Covid Indigenous Wellbeing Model
Text Version Of 4D Model
North: Handwashing, Cleaning and Disinfecting
Nurturing community partnerships and wellness practices (Love)
East: Fostering Spiritual and Cultural Practices at Home
Asking for help – having a helper (Humility)
South: Adapting to Changing Health Protocols, Staying Home When Unwell and Staying Connected
Dreaming, imagining and activating (Bravery)
West: Susceptibility, Symptoms, and Treatment
Original instructions: Protect and care for our most vulnerable; all our relations, always at the heart centre (Respect)
North: Preserving Spiritual Connections
Capacity building in relationship to Land (Respect)
East: Ceremony, Traditional Teachings, and Medicines
4 Rs of Accountability Rooted in Relationships (Humility): Respect, Relevance, Responsibility, Reciprocity
South: Tending to the Family Fire
Nurturing safety through education and healthy intergenerational collaborations and practices (Honour)
West: Wholistic and Healthy Practices of Highlighting sophistication of Indigenous epistemology in medical education
Indigenous sciences, research practices and policy development. Stories rooted in place, land, biomedical, ethnobotanical, ethics, environment and ceremony (Wisdom)
North: Nurturing, Wellbeing, Safety and Security
Lighting the 8th fire, strengths-based and requires reflexivity (Bravery)
East: Four Stages of Life Care; (Beginning with) Prenatal and Child Care
Compassionate care rooted in community values (Love)
South: Self, Family and Community Care
Celebrating diversity of individuals, families, communities and nations; including gender, sexuality, POC and global communities (Bravery)
West: Protecting our Elders and Our Youth
Uplift and facilitate knowledge translation and supporting opportunities for multigenerational learning (Honour)
North: Noticing What is Nourishing
Building upon inclusive spaces through trauma-informed care and culturally-safe spaces (Love)
East: Tolerating Uncertainty
Understanding the social determinants of health as they apply to First Nations, Inuit and Métis, contributing to a sense of Hope, Belonging, Purpose and Meaning
South: Managing Conflicting Worldviews
”Truth before reconciliation” and advocacy for systemically excluded, targeted and marginalized groups (Truth)
West: Assessment, Risks, and Prevention
Advance Indigenous-led pathways (modern and traditional) and approaches in health promotion, clinical, and virtual care programs while supporting and uplifting Indigenous led health and wellness initiatives