Lisa Richardson

Dr. Lisa Richardson

Indigenous Health Strategic Lead

Lisa is a physician in General Internal Medicine at the University Health Network, of Anishinaabe (Shebahononing/Killarney), and European descent. She is also a Centre Researcher at the Wilson Centre with a scholarly focus on the integration of Indigenous and critical perspectives from the social sciences into medical education. Dr. Richardson is the Associate Dean, Inclusion and Diversity at Temerty Medicine and is the Strategic Lead in Indigenous Health for Women’s College Hospital where she founded the Centre for Wise Practices in Indigenous Health. Dr. Richardson chairs several provincial and national committees to advance medical education and is an active member of the Indigenous Physicians Association of Canada. Her work as an advocate and educator has been recognized through numerous local, national, and international awards. “I would love for Indigenous peoples across the GTA, and Indigenous women, in particular, to know if they have a concern related to their health they can go to Women’s College Hospital, and they will be treated with respect and receive the highest level of care that also considers their specific needs as Indigenous people.” ~ We Are Women’s Report 2018, Creating a Place of Healing