
Lisa Myers

Anishinaabe, Itaglio print on paper (2011)

Main floor, AACU Elevator

“I consider walking and cooking research methods for art making. Using video, super eight film, photographs, sound, and writing as documentation sources, I delve into stories and experiment with ways to retell or re-construct narratives in sculptural and installation form. I use a range of media and materials in my artwork including print making, sewn structures and surfaces often involving video projections, audio and the assemblage of materials such as food, seeds, canvas and beads. The tactile nature of working with these materials is similar to the creative process of cooking. Each ingredient has a story and its origin or cultivation contributes to the meal, as do the materials that I bring together in my artwork. The emphasis on food and place resonate through much of my work and reifies the stories and meaning embedded and imbued on these elements.”