Julie MacFarlane

Project Manager

“Boozhoo! B’mose Aapto Nookmis Giizis Kwe n’dizhinikaaz, Deshkan Ziibiing n’doonjibaa, Waabizheshi n’dodem. I acknowledge walking this shared path with my ancestors and allies; and Chi Miigwech for all I have learned, and will share, in the spirit of Truth. Ahaaw! “

Julie MacFarlane, from Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, Marten clan, is Anishinaabe and American settler mixed ancestry. She is a licensed healthcare professional (RPhT, Ontario College of Pharmacists) with a background in both public and private/corporate healthcare spanning over 20 years, in the U.S. and Canada. Her creativity and strong advocacy skills for health equity, human rights and favorable outcomes for Indigenous Peoples and communities, lend well to her work at GCWP-IH leading an innovative partnership project with Science Up First. She is also currently completing her Masters in Indigenous Education at Western University, a mother to three energetic children, and is dedicated to her Anishinaabemowin language practice, traditional arts and ways of being.